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Monday, December 9, 2019

Talent Management Framework HR Planning

Question: Discuss about theTalent Management Frameworkfor HR Planning. Answer: Summary of Presentation Talent development and management has been defined as the organizations ability to employ, preserve and develop the efficient and talented employees that are available in the job market. Earlier the availability of skilled and talented workers was abundant and there were not much competition. However, the recent changes in the competition have bestowed higher responsibilities on the human resource (HR) department. Google is known for its unique HR policies and culture. It has been recognized as one of the best employer and innovator in terms of recruitment of employees, and was named under top 100 companies to work. Google offers many benefits to its employees that help them to connect to the company and establish a strong connection with the company. Google follows an informal aim Do not be evil that encourages the employee to stay ethically correct within the organization; Google focuses on maintaining a good and friendly working environment and thus allows all the employees to speak to the managers to discuss their issues as well as opinions. Google practices a strong HR in the company, however, it has many inherent pitfalls and challenges. The recruitment policy is innovative, however, it lacks a formal approach and a does not have a sound screening or appointment policies. Google does not pay attention to each job application and fails to reply them back on time loosing the employees that affects their long-term growth in the market. Google should revise its recruitment policies and make it more systematic and formal. As soon as the recruitment is completed, personal/emotional/spiritual touch should be developed with the new employees. The in cash pay to the employees is very less in Google and that should be increased to attract more employees and make them feel secure about their job. It should ensure to provide more of permanent job opportunities.

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