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We can attempt to change ourselves, by changing our appearance, putting on cosmetics, wearing diverse garments, adornments, and so on. Ho...
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Geography and Culture of the uk
Geography and Culture of the uk The United Kingdom, which is also commonly referred to as Great Britain is an island country located of the northwestern coast of the European mainland. The United Kingdom is comprised of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London which is according to Encyclopedia Britannica is â€Å"is among the world’s leading commercial, financial, and cultural centres.†The primary language in the United Kingdom is English, however there are several regional languages including Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Irish. Brief History In the 19th century the Great Britain led the industrial revolution and was one of the most powerful nations in the world. Following World War II, Britain was left essential bankrupt and was forced to dismantle the British Empire. Most of its colonies became independent, and many sectors of the British economy became nationalized. Not until the 1960 did Britain fully recover from World War II. In 1979 Margret Thatcher became Britain’s first women prime minister. She became commonly known as the â€Å"Iron Lady†for her politics and leadership style. In the 1980 she began privatization of state-owned companies and reducing the power of trade unions. Culture According to the Hofstede Centre website the current rankings for the United Kingdom is as follows, Power distance 35, Individualism 89, Masculinity 66, Uncertainty avoidance 35, and Long Term Orientation 25. At a rank of 35 the United Kingdom ranks low in the power distance, reflecting that their society stresses equality and opportunity. With Individualism score of 89, it reflects that as a society they believe in the rights of an individual rather and act as individuals rather than members of a group or as one society. The low ranking of 35 for Uncertainty avoidance shows that as a society they are less rule oriented, more accepting of ambiguity and are more readily to accept change. They have a more they go with the flow approach. With Masculinity score of 66, this reflects a culture that favors more traditional masculine roles of control, achievement, and power. With a score of 25 the Long Term Orientation people look more to the long term rather than the right now. It is more a bout looking more into the future and putting value in tradition and persistence. Population According to the Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook website the current population in the United Kingdom 63,742,977, placing it 23rd on the world country comparison list. The median age is 40.4, (Males 39.2, Females 41.6) and largest section of the population at 41% is 25-54 year olds; see the following pie chart for age comparisons. Of the major urban areas London is the most populated at 8.615 million, Birmingham second at 2.296 million and Manchester third at 2.247 million. In regards to e urban vs. rural populations, the United Kingdom stands at 80% urban, 20% rural. The United Kingdom is 29th on the world comparison chart for life expectancy the total population 80.42 years (males 78.26, Female 82.69). Form of government The form of government in the United Kingdom is that of a Constitutional Monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State in the United Kingdom; however her role is not that of a ruler of the country she fulfils important ceremonial and formal roles with respect to Government. David Cameron is the current Prime Minister and holds the senior minster role also considered the Head of Government and Head of the Executive Branch. Parliament is an essential part of United Kingdom government. The main roles of Parliament are legislation, debating and passing all laws, enabling the government to raise taxes and examine and challenging the work of the government. Parliament is made up of two houses, the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two houses act as a check and balances system as decisions made in one house have to be approved by the other. The House of Commons is a publicly elected, the House of Lords members are appointed by the Queen. Role of religion According to the CIA’s world fact book the primary religion practiced in the United Kingdom is Christianity which includes Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, and Methodist which represents 59.5% of the population. 4.4 % identified as Muslim, 1.3% Hindu, 7.2% unspecified, 2% as other and 25.7% as not having an affliction. In the United Kingdom the Churches of England and Scotland are recognized by law as the official churches and are subject to the regulation of the law. In the Church of England the Archbishops and bishops are appointed by The Queen. A number of high Churches of England officials have appointed seats in the House of Lords. These officials have important advisory and advocacy roles regarding legislative issues affecting the church such as abortion and euthanasia. The Church of England holds no authority in Scotland and unlike the Church of England the Church of Scotland is separate from the state. Negotiation In negotiations you must practice patience and do not try and rush your British counterparts into a decision. Do not use a hard-sell attitude or attempt pressure tactics, as this will only be counterproductive in your negations. When it comes to your business plans stick to the facts and do not over sell or schmooze, British executives are more concerned with the facts of the deal than the relationship. They are more concerned with the letter of the law than the spirit of law. British Executives tend to be direct and to the point, it is more about fact than feeling or emotion. They also tend to be very reserved and will rarely show emotion good or bad, and will often down play dangerous situations. Financial In 2008 the United Kingdom was hit with the Financial Crisis. In December 2008 the FTSE 100 had its largest annual drop in 24 years closing 31.1% from January 2008. The FTSE 100 is the top 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalization. The unemployment rate increased from 5.1% in February 2008 to 7.2% by February 2009. In 2009 the Bank of England lowered interest rates to 1.5%, which was the lowest level ever recorded. The Office for Budget Responsibility was established in 2010 was established in 2010 to provide and independent analyses of the UK’s public finances following the financial crisis of 2008. In January 2014 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) upgraded the UK GDP forecast from 1.9% previously forecasted to 2.4% for 2014, and forecasted UK growth by 2.2% for 2015. This upgrade was the largest forecast that of any other economy by the IMF. In March of 2014 the Office for Budget Responsibility(OBR) reported that â€Å"consumer spending was the main driver for growth in 2013†and indicated the housing market is showing signs of growth. The OBR is forecasting 2.7 growth in 2014, and 2.3% for 2015. In a recent interview on CCTV America Robin Harding, the U.S. economist editor for the Final Times reported that the UK economy is just about half way back to where it was just prior to the UK financial crisis. According to Nation Master in 2012 the United Kingdom was 2nd of 172 reported counties with a deficit of $10.09 trillion dollars. Exports 10th of 189 countries with $473 billion dollars. GDP 7th of 144 countries, $2.44 trillion dollars and GDP per capita 21st of 183 for $35,046.59 per capita. The unemployment rate is gradually decreasing. According to the Office for National Statistics in its April 16, 2014 Statistical bulletin the first quarter unemployment rate for 2014 was 6.9%, down from 2013 fourth quarter of 7.1% and down from the previous year of 7.9%. Doing Business Index of economic freedom – p95 According to the World Bank Group, Doing Business website, out of 189 economies the United Kingdom currently is ranked 10th, up fro 11th in 2013 on the â€Å"Ease of Doing Business†. The Gross National Income(GNI) per capita in 2014 is $38,250. United Kingdom is classified as a High-Income group. In the category of starting a business the United Kingdom ranks 28th overall with the average number of days to register the business being 12 days with an approx cost of $108. When obtain construction/building permits the UK ranks 27th with the average number of days being 88 days with an approx cost of $26,939. In the category of purchasing/register property the UK ranks 10th overall with approx fees ranging from $10,000 – $20,000. In regards to exporting/importing the UK ranks 16th overall, with the average number of days being 8 days. With a cost of export $1,005 and import $1,050 per container to and from the US. The UK ranks 14th overall for Taxes, with a total tax rate of 34% of total profit. Communication and apparel expectations In regards to business attire conservative dress is very important in the United Kingdom. Men typically wear dark blue, gray or black business suits, solid or pin stripe. Dress shirts should be solid colored and with no pockets, collared of course. Ties are a must, solid color or with a pattern but never striped, striped ties typically signify you are a member of the British Army. Laced dress shoes and socks should be the same color as your suit. Women typically wear business suit with pants or skirts. Women should avoid loud colors and stick with the more conservative colors like the men going with dark blue, gray or black. If wearing a skirt, panty hose should be worn in neural or solid color, avoiding patterns or mesh type hosiery. Makeup and jewelry should be kept at a minimum. When greeting a handshake is standard in business. However not all women shake hands, it is always best to observe your surroundings and follow suit. Avoid making too much physical contact, in the United Kingdom touching others in public is deemed inappropriate. When speaking to other avoid placing your hands in your pockets, it is considered rude. However avoid excessive hand gestures when speaking. Business cards are often exchanged; never place a business card in your back pants pocket. As a meeting planner always have an agenda ready and available for all, and a summary of meeting notes should be provided to all attendees. When address and individual as Mr., Ms. or Miss and last name unless you are given permission to use their first name. If an individual has an honorary title always use the title when addressing them. Taboos As in the United States it’s not taboo however in general it is best to refrain from certain topics such as politics, religion and income. The English are very modest and tend not to discuss their achievements. Avoid asking any personal questions, even a question as simple as what a people does for work is deemed to personal. A peace sign with the palm facing out is fine; however making the â€Å"V for Victory†with your palm facing you is considered an offensive gesture. References http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/615557/United-Kingdom – 5/26/14 Culture http://geert-hofstede.com/united-kingdom.html Religions https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2122.html#uk – 5/26/14 Economics http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/united-kingdom 5/27/14 Population https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/uk.html 5/29/14 Finance – Harding interview http://youtu.be/5galHHe5MBE -6/1/14 Financial ONS http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/dcp171778_357545.pdf -6/1/14 Google Unemployment – www.google.com/#q=uk+unemployemtn+data -6/1/14 Financial http://budgetresponsibility.org.uk/economic-fiscal-outlook-march-2014/ -6/1/14 NationMaster Debt http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/profiles/United-Kingdom/Economy -6/1/14
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Digital Bangladesh Essay
Introduction: digital Bangladesh is a new world, a new concept, a new dream. Bangladesh is now resounding with the aim of achieving digital Bangladesh. Our present prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, in their election manifesto of 2008 declared to build up Bangladesh as a digital one by 2021. Since then this concept has become almost a lip-word with the people of Bangladesh. Meaning of digital Bangladesh: our life today is governed by the offshoots of science. Science has ushered in new era in the history of human civilization. Computer invention is the most determining factor in the respect. It has brought about a revolutionary change on the face of the global world. This change has been possible through the information technology (it) based on computer-internet system. The micro-electronic system through which all sorts of information are collected. Assimilated, preserved, processed and transmitted is known as â€Å"information technology†. This information technology or computer & internet based Bangladesh is called a digital Bangladesh. Necessity in Bangladesh: ours is a developing country. We a achieved independence in 1971 after a bloody liberation war. Science then began the campaign of building up the war-shattered Bangladesh as a Bangla of gold. But it is a matter of great sorrow that we have not been able to cross just the stage of a developing country even after the lapse of a long period of 38 years of liberation. No expected development has yet been achieved. The main causes are: laziness, lack of morality, tendency to make more talks than work, lack of tendency to go ahead with the advanced technology etc. The gradual connection of the digital system in all the activities of Bangladesh, if possible, may give birth to a digital Bangladesh. This perspective plan can be brought into reality only when the important places of the country can be brought under control by setting us CCTV camera based on the computer-election campaign through video conferences as a part of her dream of building up digital Bangladesh. We can apply digital system in the following sectors of our national life. Educational sector: education is the backbo ne of a nation. So we must put our first priority on education sector with a view to establishing a digital Bangladesh. We can make video of teacher’s lectures of speeches and display them on the white screens before the learner. Read more: Essay on Liberation War of Bangladesh A learner can receive education sitting in his house. Medical sector: medical facilities are one of the basic needs of human beings. Modern science has given birth to a new world in the field of medical treatment. If the internet connection can be spread widely, a patient can receive prescription of medicine without appearing before a physician by paying offers through online banking system. Agricultural sector: ours is an ago-based country. More than 80% of the people of our country are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. But they are ignorant of the more method of cultivation whereas the developed countries of the world have championed in this fields by using the boons of mechanized method of cultivation. Administrative sector: most of the offices of our country are extremely sluggish in work and life in wait for taking bribes by holding up work days after days. We can make the administration dynamic, work-oriented and free from corruption by setting up CCTV camera th rough computer-internet system. Security sector: security is a must in every sphere of our national life. No national can expect to advance without having a well-founded security system. It can be made possible by setting up CCTV camera through computer internet system. This system will help us detect the miscreant event after ling period of their occurrence of mischief’s. Buying and selling sector: buying and selling are our every-days matter. Everyday we go to markets or shopping malls to make purchase of different essential things of our daily life. If the computer network can be spread widely, we shall be able to make our necessary purchases by staying in our house. Not only in the native land, can it be extended even to the foreign countries by making payments through credit cards. Communication sector: â€Å"transport is civilization†–goes a wise saying. It is not possible to make all round development without having a good and dynamic communication system in the country. At present, many a thing of communication affairs is Bering controlled through computer-internet system. We can also bring the whole country within the reach of our hands through this system. Publication sector: we cannot think of publication books today without the help of computer network. The computer system has already been introduced in our publication industry. Earlier, the booed which took at least two months to be published, now that blood can be published within two days. Newspaper sector: computer network is now being used in publishing newspapers on a large scale. Now a newspaper is being published in different regions of the country simultaneously. So newspapers are no more sent to Chittagong, khulna, Rajshahi or sleet from Dhaka by transport. Especially tins system is being followed in case of first call news papers. Recreation sector: recreation sources are badly needed for the modern mechanized hard-field of recreation. We can enjoy different sorts of amusements including different games and film shows. We can now know the results of the games which are going on overseas within a moment through internet. Banking sector: computer network has given a new impetus in the banking sector. It has made banking sector mere dynamic than ever before. Online system has already been introduced in many banking institutions. Now we no more nee d carry cash money with us to the remotest regions of the country. If this system can be introduced in all banking institutions in our country, Bangladesh will be able to step into a digital one. Setting up online information center: the information services of different public and private sector can be made reach to the door-step of the people by setting up online information centers. Then people will be able to collect different data or information from this information center. Not only that they will be able to know about the final institutional conditions and position. Conclusion: it is said â€Å"hope springs eternal in the human breast†we also hope that we shall be able to turn our war-shattered country into a digital Bangladesh by bringing about an all round development through all-out efforts of people of a all walks of life. We are very hopeful to learn that the daily Jougantor and the Cambrian college have jointly taken a gigantic to set up digital campus all over the country with the Sklogan.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Profiling of Street Crime in Philippines Essay
Introduction Street crime is – criminal activity that happens in a public place usually in a town or city, for example stealing people’s personal possessions or snatching, vandalisms, theft, physical injury and extortion. Street Crimes are usually committed in outdoors and it can be happen in strange or to an unfamiliar places. It can even take place to your own community. Street Crimes can be done in many different forms such as pick-pocketing, bag, necklaces, earrings and gadget snatching, car theft, motorcycle theft and even hit and run and many other related criminal acts that takes place within a street. (http://www.thepoc.net/thepoc-features/buhay-pinoy/buhay-pinoy-features/15180-how-to-protect-yourself-from-street-crimes.html). These Street crimes are very wide spread in the area of responsibility in of DV-Soria, police community precinct 01. Criminals usually choose to commit these crimes in a specific places and specific times to attack their victims. Does the street crime only exist in the night time? Or, does the street crime is rampant in day time? Who are the usual victims of street crimes? Male or Female ? Young or adults ? These questions will be answered by means of this study. Actually, the researcher was a victim of this street crime. Way back then, when he was in high school his class schedule ends at night time and he could still remember the time when he was walking alone along the Velez St. heading home to Capt. Vicente Roa St., there was a group of people who blocked his way and threatened him while asking a big amount of money, but he have nothing to do but to give what he has. Being a victim of Street Crimes is not a good experience, at first it could leave a trauma to the victim such as being afraid to walk alone in the evening especially if there is a group of people gathering to a particular area. Everyone could be a victim of Street Crimes especially all of us go out to our houses. The researcher decided to pursue the study of street crimes received in police station 01 because it was introduced by his instructor and he wanted to know how it contributes outcome in our community in terms of the percentage of crime volume. The Community Precinct 01 was placed in the heart of the city along Abejuela /T. Neri /Burgos Sts, Cagayan de Oro city. Station is one of the very high populated areas in Cagayan de Oro because of the affordable items in stores and many other business establishments which bring a large number of people to visit the place. The Police Station No.01 (PS 01), formerly Operation Kahusay ug Kalinaw (OKK), is located at the heart of the city along Abejuela /T. Neri /Burgos Sts., this city, with the boundaries from North – Barangay 17 and 18, South – Barangay 01, West – Carmen River and East – Barangay 03. PS 01 composed of Twenty (20) Urban Barangays from 01 to 20 with a total land area of ninety three point seven hundred twenty five (93.725) hectares. Based on present statistics, it is inhabited by more or less 18,446 inhabitants. Vital installations located in the Area Of Responsibility (AOR), Twenty Nine (29) commercial establishment and Four (04) government banks, Three (03) churches, Fifteen (15) government offices, One (01) water reservoir, One (01) mall, Three (03) communication towers and Four (04) private hospitals.. In the Independent Variables of this study includes the: Classification of Street Crimes Theft / pick pocketing: Is an act where any person taking the property belonging to another person without force or violence. Any person who steals objects or items from the pocket or shoulder-bags of the other person in a public places or of any establishments along the street. Physical Injury: is an act of any person inflecting pain, damage, harm or hurt to another person. Robbery / Extortion: The act of securing, seeking, money or favors by means of threat, blackmail or intimidation. Hit & Run: It involved in or denoting a motor-vehicle accident in which the driver leaves the scene without stopping and give assistance to the harmed or injured person, or give information to the police. Vandalism: Is an act of a certain person writing the wall or any part of the establishment by use of paint, coal, of any forms of writing instrument by destruction. In the dependent variables of this study includes the: profiles of street crime victims Profile of Victims: refers to the profile of any person or individual being injured, extorted, snatched, pick-pocketed, and more being stated in the independent variables. Age of the Victim: Refers to the age of the victim during the incident, if the common victims are children, teenagers, adult or even old. Gender of the Victim: corresponds to the sex of any person and which is integrated in this study to see the usual victims of street crimes. MALE: refers to a boy [Masculine] FEMALE: refers to a girl [Feminine] Time of Incident: refers to the time when crime was committed if it is dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and midnight, it is being included to this study to discover what time usually a certain street crime will occur. Date of Incident: Refers to the month of the incident when crime was being committed, and it is included in this study to determine what month, a certain street crime will be having a large number of existence. Location of Incident: Refers to the Address or place were the crime was committed, and it is included in this study to identify which place of the community precinct 02 area of responsibility crime was much uncontrolled. Statement of the problem This research studied the classification of street crimes from January to December in the year 2011. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions. 1.What is the most extensive street crime in the area of responsibility in Police Station 02 in the year of 2011 and 2012. a.Theft / Pick Pocketing b.Physical Injury c.Robbery / Extortion d.Hit & Run e.Vandalism 2.What is the profile of victims in each street crimes in terms of a.Age of the Victim b.Gender of the Victim c.Time of Incident d.Date of Incident e.Location of Incident Significance of this study The objective of this study is to collect information or data on the classification of street crimes received in police station 02 in the year 2012 and to be a reference of the for future researcher for related studies and compare the volume of street crimes before and nowadays in the record of police stations specifically in station 02, next is to present to the community precinct 02 the exact place and time were a certain crime is over exceeding. PNP Personnel, this study will serve as the basic guidelines of the police personnel to perform their job well and to be more alert to a certain area in a certain time; it will also help them to make plans for their future action in preventing the occurrence of the street crimes. To Community, On the other hand the police community relation could disseminate the information to its community and make the civilians aware to the existence of such street crime existing to a specific area and time, and to avoid being a victim of it. Barangay Officials, the local government unit will also be alert and Should deploy barangay police to a specific place where a high incidence of street crime is existing in order to maintain the peace and order and prevent those criminal minds in committing such street.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Qualities Of A Successful Student - 1351 Words
Qualities of a Successful Student â€Å"Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing â€Å"- Pelà ©, soccer legend Success isn’t something you can frame on the wall. It is not something that you can attain one time and then discards it as being accomplished. It is not gifted to anyone; its hard work which leads to success because of determination. This is not a social status, no is it due to the amount of money you make, neither is based on how many languages you speak or how many business you may own. Becoming a successful student, must realize that success is what students desire and what they make of it. If students choose to make success unreachable, then it†¦show more content†¦Lapses in organization, unfortunately can lead to penalties with grades and a self-confidence which can lead to less success. â€Å"Self-discipline is self-caring â€Å"- Dr. M. Scott Peck. (American psychiatrist).Success takes self-discipline, which is the willingness to do whatever has to be done, whether you feel like it or not. Most students want to be successful but wanting and doing are two w orlds apart. Self-discipline is more commitment. Stay focused and be persistent are important factors that lead any student to become successful. Successful students know when to ask for help. Students recognize when they need help when some projects are due on the same day as an exam. Again, students who procrastinate and don’t have their academic activities organized tend to fail. Students who struggle with some courser or some specific projects stay late or visit their instructor after class regarding to the project. Students do their best to clarify their mind if their instructor cannot help as much as they wanted to, they follow the next step, and they go and ask for private tutoring. Most of the institutions offer programs to help students who are struggling in anyway. 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