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We can attempt to change ourselves, by changing our appearance, putting on cosmetics, wearing diverse garments, adornments, and so on. Ho...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Clear and Present Danger essays

Clear and Present Danger essays Clear And Present Danger This novel begins with the murder of a man and his family aboard a yacht. The murdered man was a long time friend of the United States President. The President orders an investigation into the death of his friend and is disturbed to find that his friend is involved with organized crime in Columbia. In an effort to protect himself, the President takes the law into his hands and orders a private strike against the drug cartels in Medellin, Columbia. The president, upset with the success of his "war on drugs," decides that he wants some immediate success and recruits John Clark to conduct a covert mission to eliminate the Columbian cartel. But after John Clark's covert strike team is sent to Columbia for Operation Showboat, the drug lords strike back, killing several civilians both American and Columbian. The chief executive orders Ritter, the advisor to the President, to end their unlawful plan and leave no traces. Jack Ryan, who has just been named CIA deputy director of intelli gence, is enraged when he discovers that has been left out of the circle of Columbian operations. Several of America's most highly trained soldiers are stranded in an unfinished mission that, according to all records, never existed. This enrages Jack Ryan and he decides to get the men out. After a very exciting mission, Jack Ryan is successful in his mission both in ending the Columbian drug ring and freeing his men. Clear and Present Danger is about the balance of power and politics, with Jack Ryan and CIA agent John Clark as the heroes. Ryan persistently follows what he knows is right and legal, even if it means confronting the president of the United States. This is all about the use and abuse of power. How it can affect the people who wield it. Power in fact is an evil weapon when used in a cruel way. Clancy provides insight about how things work, both political and practical ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Survey Graphing Ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders

Survey Graphing Ideas for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders As early as kindergarten, students are required to take and analyze surveys. In the younger grades, analyzing graphs can be done on calendars. For instance, each day the children will record the type of weather based on a few weather symbols (cloudy, sunny, rainy foggy etc.) The children are then probed for questions like, How many rainy days have we had this month? or What type of weather have we mostly had this month? The teacher will also use the chart paper to record data about the children. For instance, graph the type of shoe children are wearing. On the top of the chart paper, the teacher will have buckles, ties, slip on, and velcro. Each student would put a tick mark on the type of shoe they are wearing. Once all children have identified the type of shoe they are wearing, the students will then analyze the data. These skills are early graphing and data analyzing skills. As students progress, they will take their own surveys and graph their results. Students need to be taught that there is a variety of ways to record their results. Here are a few ideas to promote graphing and surveying skills. Survey Ideas for Students to Graph and Analyze Survey the type (genre) of books people like to read.Survey how many musical instruments a person can list.Survey a favorite sport.Survey a favorite color or number.Survey favorite pets or types of animals.Survey the weather: temperature, precipitation or type of day (hazy, windy, foggy, rainy etc).Survey a favorite TV show or movie.Survey favorite snack foods, soda flavors, ice cream flavors.Survey favorite holiday locations or favorite all-time holiday.Survey favorite subject in school.Survey number of siblings in a family.Survey amount of time spent watching TV in a week.Survey amount of time spent playing video games.Survey the number of countries people have been.Survey what classmates want to be when they grow up.Survey the types of ads that come on TV over a period of time.Survey the different color of cars that drive by over a specific period of time.Survey the types of ads found in a specific magazine Graphing and Analyzing Survey Data When children have the opportunity to take opinion polls/surveys, the next step is to analyze what the data tells them. Children should try to determine the best way to organize their data. (Bar graph, line graph, pictograph.) After their data is organized, they should be able to state specifics about their data. For instance, what happens the most, the least, and why do they think that is. Eventually, this type of activity will lead to the mean, median, and the mode. Children will require ongoing practice taking polls and surveys, graphing their results, interpreting, and sharing the results of their polls and surveys.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection of learning experiences in elmentary ,middle ,high school, Essay

Reflection of learning experiences in elmentary ,middle ,high school, and college attended - Essay Example At first, it was unbearable for me but with time, I adjusted to the strange and dynamic environment. The most memorable moments in elementary school involve the use of cubes. The teacher distributed cubes to all the students to perform simple routines. To me this was an amazing phenomenon although by then it was it was very complex. This was meant to develop the cognitive aspect. However, accomplishing the task was more important at that very moment rather than understanding psychological development and the learning concepts. In addition to that, we had the opportunity to go to the playground. We played different games and sung happily, as we waited for the delicious food that I have not forgotten the smell even today. I am very sure that it was during these times that the aspect of individuality was implanted into me because I would interact freely with others and learned to say no or yes. My social aspect of life was also developed at this point in time. The world of science became so real to me. I enjoyed and envied the much that my science teacher new. They would just teach chemistry and physics without necessarily referring to their books. I thought I was not smart and that my teachers were geniuses, but I letter on came to learn that experience was their main weapon. The next level was so adventurous that I realized I was lying to myself when I thought I would make the best doctor in the world. It was at this point that learning took another dimension and I realized my potentials not as a doctor but as a Lawyer. I was greatly inspired by the way, the teachers were narrating events that happened many years ago with exact dates, gave me the desire to make the best barrister in the world. During the debates, I would make sure I argue my point as a lawyer. The outside learning events were so fascinating that I wished at one point that such period should be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dignity in Elderly care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 20000 words

Dignity in Elderly care - Essay Example The notion of dignity was evaluated from the elders’ perspective and experiences, the latter was backed up by reviews of all current literature thus ensuring a comprehensive view. Moreover, exclusive sets of international code of standards safeguard human dignity within all societies. The basic notions of human dignity were initially conceived within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.Furthur the promotion of dignity within healthcare conduces to a better quality of life. The notion of dignity was evaluated from the elders’ perspective and experiences, the latter was backed up by reviews of all current literature thus ensuring a comprehensive view. A global aging population entails specific requirements. Human rights have gained a strong focus on bioethics whilst it transpires that human dignity and rights are complimentary to each other. Various international conventions on human rights are inadequate in fulfilling elderly needs. Picker institute outlined dignity indicators that optimise care for elderly patients whilst giving them their basic human rights. Data collection included intervews, books, journals and websites, reflecting qualitative research methods. The perspectives of aging people concerning the quality of health services were investigated in the data interpretation. Within this setting, the elderly patients’ autonomy and dignity resulted to be moderated. Recommendations stressing provisions in the legal and health care systems target the reduction of practices that undermine dignity. Complimentary recommendations include holistic training and education to health care workers to avoid negative attitudes towards the elderly, supported by a Commissioner of old people. Finally, more effective resource logistics are imperative to arrest limitations in the health care system. Dedicated to my Husband and Children, Jeanette, Peter and Norma Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 17 Literature review 17 Health Ethics 20 Human dignity in philosophy and religion 20 Elderly People’s Rights 26 The Power/Vulnerability Paradox (Megret’s theory) 42 Indicators of dignity for the elderly 44 CHAPTER 2 53 Methodology 53 Introduction 53 Methods 58 Target population 59 Process 60 CHAPTER 3 67 Analysis and Discussion 67 CHAPTER 4 83 Conclusion 83 Appendix 1: 86 Transcripts of patients interviewed: 86 Appendix 2: 113 Interview with Ministry of Foreign Af fairs 113 Appendix 3: 115 Consent Form 120 Bibliography 129 UN programme on ageing, The Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging, 2002. 138 Report of the Second World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid, 8-12 April 2002, United 138 Nations,  New York, 2002. Retrieved from, 138 http://www.un.org/ageing/madrid_intlplanaction.html 138 I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Rev.Professor George Grima B.A.,M.A.(Louv.),S.TH.D.(Louv) For, his excellent guidance, constant support and assistance throughout the opus of this thesis. I also wish to thank all those who made the completion of this course possible, especially my Family and Friends who have patiently supported me throughout my years of study. Introduction   Background study â€Å"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission† - Eleanor Roosevelt. The term ‘dignity’ derived from the Latin word dignitas or dignus that means worthy, can be defined as â€Å"quality of being worthy of honour† or â€Å"a sense of self-importance† (Collins Language. com, 2011). One can view dignity as an individual’s personal characteristic, recognised by self and others. From a broader perspective, dignity is â€Å"an umbrella concept...which makes it at once inclusive and comprehensive, and yet raises issues of scope and precision... [While creating an] awareness of the gulf separating humans from all other species can sensitize us to our potential for dignity†

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Science Investigatory Project Essay Example for Free

Science Investigatory Project Essay Abstract The pineapple is one of the leading products in the Philippines, as it thrives in tropical climates. However, the pineapple peelings have low commercial value and are therefore merely thrown away, contributing to the Philippines waste problem. This study entitled â€Å"Saccharification of Pineapple Ananas comosus peelings through Dilute Acid Hydrolysis† was conducted to know the concentration of sugar content which can be used for other purposes like bioethanol. Three samples were used, each sample was composed of two trials; S1T1 (60 degree Celsius for 30 min. ), S1T2 (60 degree Celsius for 60 min.), S2T1 (70 degree Celsius for 30 min.), S2T2 (70 degree Celsius for 60 min.), S3T1 (80 degree Celsius for 30 min.), S3T2 (80 degree Celsius for 60 min). The phenol- sulfuric acid method was used to determine the concentration of sugar content present in the substrate. The test revealed that the dilute acid hydrolysis is an effective way and can saccharify pineapple peelings based on the standard curve. However, the temperature and time was found out that they both have no significant difference in yielding greater concentration of sugar as what as the statistical analysis revealed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann Whitney U-test. INTRODUCTION Background of the study Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is the common name for a tropical plant and its edible fruit which are coalesced berries. Pineapples are the only bromeliad fruit in widespread cultivation. It can be grown as an ornamental, especially from the leafy tops. Some sources say that the plant will flower after about 24 months produce a fruit during the following six months while others indicate a 20-month timetable. Pineapple is eaten fresh or canned or juiced. It is popularly used in desserts, salads, as a complement to meat dishes and infruit cocktail. The popularity of the pineapple is due to its sweet-sour taste containing 15% sugar and malic and citric fruit acids. It is also high in vitamin B1, B2, B6 and C. Its protein-digesting enzyme bromelain seems to help digestion at the end of a high protein meal. In the Philippines, pineapple leaves are used as the source of a textile fiber called pià ±a. The pineapple is a herbaceous short-lived perennial plant which grows to 1.0 to 1.5 metres ( 3.3 to 4.9 ft) tall. The plant only produces one fruit and then dies. Commercially suckers that appear around the base are cultivated. It has 30 or more long, narrow, fleshy, trough-shaped leaves with sharp spines along the margins that are 30 to 100 centimetres (1.0 to 3.3 ft) long, surrounding a thick stem. In the first year of growth the axis lengthens and thickens, bearing numerous leaves in close spirals. After 12 to 20 months the stem grows into a spike-like inflorescence up to 15 cm long with over 100 spirally arranged, trimerous flowers, each subtended by a bract. Flower colours vary, depending on variety, from lavender, through light purple to red. The ovaries develop into berries which coalesce into a large, compact, multiple accessory fruit. The fruit of a pineapple is arranged in two interlocking helices, eight in one direction, thirteen in the other, each being a Fibonacci number. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineapple) Saccharification is the process of breaking a complex carbohydrate into its monosaccharide components. It is the hydrolysis of carbohydrates such as cellulose and starch. It increases hydrolysis rates by reducing product inhibition of enzymes and reduces tank usage by combining the processes into one (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/saccharification) Phenol Sulfuric Acid Method is an example of a colorimetric method that is widely used to determine the total concentration of carbohydrates present in foods. A clear aqueous solution of carbohydrates to be analyzed is placed in a test tube, then phenol and sulfuric acid are added.The solution turns a yellow- orange color as a result of the interaction between the carbohydrates and phenol. The sulfuric acid causes all non- reducing sugars to be converted to reducing sugars so that this method determines the total sugar present. This method is non- stoichemetric and so it is necessary to prepare a calibration curve using a series of standard known carbohydrate concentration (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/phenol-sulfuric acid method). Dilute Acid Hydrolysis is a process of hydrolyzing lignocellulosic materials by subjecting dried lignocellulosic material in a reactor to a catalyst comprised of a dilute solution of a strong acid to lower the activation energy of cellulose hydrolysis and ultimately obtain higher sugar yields (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dilute acid hydrolysis). Statement of the Problem This study aims to saccharify pineapple Ananas comosus peelings through dilute acid hydrolysis. Specifically, the study attempts: 1. To know whether the dilute acid hydrolysis is an effective way of yielding concentration of sugar from pineapple peelings; 2. To determine whether the temperature has an effect on the concentration of sugar; 3. To determine whether the length of time of reacion can affect the concentration of sugar that will be obtained. Hypothesis: 1. The dilute acid hydrolysis is an effective way of yielding a greater concentration of sugar. 2. The higher the temperature of the solution, the greater the concentration. 3. The longer the time of reaction, the greater the concentration of sugar that will be obtained. Significance of the study On average, 435,000 metric tons of pineapples are produced annually in the Philippines, which is one of the country’s leading commercial fruit products. However, there are a lot of unused excess parts of the pineapple, notably the peelings, which are considered as waste and contribute to the country’s garbage problem. This study aims to utilize pineapple peelings as a substrate for Saccharification process through dilute acid hydrolysis. By means of this, the concentration of sugar present in this biomass can be determined which can be use for other purposes and for other studies such as producing bioethanol or even biofuel. Scope and Limitation This study is limited to the use of pineapple Ananas comosus peelings as a substrate for the saccharification process. The peel samples were bought from the market. The experiment was conducted at Chemical Engineering where the chemicals and other laboratory materials were obtained located at University of the Philippines at Los Baà ±os, Laguna from November to December 2010. The study focuses only on the determination of the concentration of sugar present in the pineapple peelings. Definition of Terms Absorbance- is defined as the ratio of the radiant flux absorbed by a body to that incident upon it. Glucose- is called as a simple sugar or monosaccharide Saccharification the process of breaking a complex carbohydrate (as starch or cellulose) into its monosaccharide components Spectrophotometer- consists of two instruments, namely a spectrometer for producing light of any selected color (wavelength), and a photometer for measuring the intensity of light. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a clear, colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is very corrosive. Sugar- is a term for a class of edible crystalline carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, lactose, and fructose characterized by a sweet flavor. In food, sugar almost exclusively refers to sucrose, which primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar beet. Standard curve- is a quantitative research tool, a method of plotting assay data that is used to determine the concentration of a substance. It can be used in many biological experiments.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Leon Garfields Novel Smith Essay -- Leon Garfield Novel Smith

How Does Leon Garfield structure the novel ‘Smith’ to keep the reader interested? Leon Garfield uses cliffhangers and other techniques to draw the reader into the world that Smith lives in. I am going to explain how the author uses a variety of emotions and moods. As well as that, I am going to discuss how the author links social history with the plot. Then, I am going to clarify how well the ending resolves the readers’ questions. Finally, I am going to expose how the author uses elements of style to his advantage. The first point I will talk about is how the author uses a variety of emotions and moods such as humour and horror. â€Å"Quick,† whispered Miss Bridgit, handsome in her Tuesday best, â€Å"under my skirt, child.† This is humorous as Smith was escaping gaol at that time and you would never dream of escaping under someone’s skirt. This is also horror as the skirt will have been taken off a dead woman, and to think of wearing a dead woman’s clothes is ghastly and unthinkable. Also we are scared as Miss Bridgit could be caught and be punished severely for ...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Purchasing and Supply Organization Department

I contacted a consultant for Mansell Ltd. and a great deal of information was gathered and analyzed. The following advice would be given for ways of improving their purchasing and supply organization. Currently, Mansell Ltd. Operates from six sites and has a central purchasing and stock control department in the North of England. Upon an analysis of the company, it has been found that orders for production materials have been placed with over 6000 different companies during the last four years. There are many benefits to be gained from buying from a smaller number of suppliers. The purchasing and supply department would be better organized and thus more efficient if less supply companies were used. Purchasing supplies from fewer companies would result in better pricing of supplies. For example, if the company purchased the same items from several different companies, it is probably getting charged more. Purchasing the same item from only one company will result in savings for the number of items bought because many companies give a discount for large quantities of items purchased. When using the same companies for purchasing, a rapport between the two is possible. When a supplier knows that his/her products will be needed by a certain company, he/she will be more likely to have those products more readily available. For example, if the seller knows that the buyer needs a thousand items each week, the seller will make sure that those items are in stock and will save them for the purchaser instead of selling them to another company. The more sellers, the more confusion there will be. Even with computer technology, having so many sellers presents a logistical problem. A purchasing and supply organization should follow certain business fundamentals. Low cost, quality, and timeless are fundamental to the business. Planning is required. Buying from fewer companies results in fewer persons to deal with. Six thousand suppliers are a large number to be dealing with. Those are far too many suppliers involved. Keeping up with that great a number of suppliers would keep several people in the purchasing department busy. In order to become more efficient and use fewer numbers of man-hours, using fewer suppliers is the answer. Diversity is good in some instances. However, the purchasing and supply organization is not one of them. In fact, diversity only caused unnecessary confusion, and too many chances for problems. Purchasing is one of the vital parts of any company. The products acquired enable the business to create or generate its product. There are a diverse number of potential suppliers, as evidenced by the 6,000 suppliers that have been utilized in the past. This number makes purchasing a chore instead of an easy adventure. The purchasing department needs as few challenges as possible. Eliminating a number of suppliers cuts down on the challenge they pose. With insight into the management of the purchasing and supply department's inner workings, many of the sellers can be eliminated. It would not be prudent to reduce the number to a handful of suppliers, what with the market what it is, but there is certainly no need for a great number of suppliers. Purchasers and buyers have a specific function. â€Å"Purchasers and buyers seek to obtain the highest quality merchandise at the lowest possible purchase cost for their employers. (In general, purchasers buy goods and services for the use of their company or organization whereas buyers buy items for resale.) They determine which commodities or services are best, choose the suppliers of the product or service, negotiate the lowest price, and award contracts that ensure the correct amount of the product or service is received at the appropriate time. In order to accomplish these tasks successfully, purchasers and buyers study sales records and inventory levels of current stock, identify foreign and domestic suppliers, and keep abreast of changes affecting both the supply of and demand for products and materials for which they are responsible† (Anonymous, 1998, PG). The way to reduce the number of suppliers would be as follows. An analysis of past purchases is required. Decide which companies have the best products for the lowest price. This is not the only factor to consider, however. Other issues, such as ability to get the product to Mansell Ltd. in a timely fashion is also important. Lower prices do not matter if the product does not get there when it is According to Steele and Court (1996), the understanding of purchasing is critical to a company's long-term ability to profit, and its survival as a company. Understanding of purchasing includes the knowledge of how best to buy resources. This includes the sellers from whom the product is purchased as well as the amount of supplies that are purchased and when they are purchased (Steele & Court, 1996). Check out the competition. Ask for samples. Make sure that the seller can deliver when he/she says he/she will, the amount of product that was agreed upon, and at or below the agreed upon cost. Proper training for the purchasing staff is vital. Regular meetings must be held. All purchasers must know the guidelines of the company. Training programs that teach the purchasers about the best manner in which to perform their jobs is important. A typical training program should include instruction by trained personnel that covers specified goals and only lasts for a day or two. Not a great deal of time should be taken up with training, but the training is vital. The proper changes must be implemented as soon as it is possible. Negotiation with potential suppliers is important. Having a good rapport between the buyer and the seller is also important. The buyer should travel to the prospective seller's company and see what the company has to offer. One-on-one meetings are still important. By getting out there and getting to know the seller, the buyer will become more than a faceless person in the North of England. He/she becomes a ‘real' person. Making acquaintances is important for business. A bond should be created between the buyer and the seller. Together the two can have a working relationship that is beneficial to the both of them. According to Killen and Kamauff (1995), purchasing is a planning process. The purchaser should determine both short and long-term needs for business operation. The purchasing function must be controlled. By doing this, its conformance to expectation levels can be ensured. Evaluations are important on a cyclic basis (Killen; Kamauff, 1995). The buyer should be able to negotiate with the seller. Prospective sellers should be able to give better prices for larger quantities. This allows the purchaser to make better decisions. The seller should be able to meet the needs of the buyer. If he/she does not, then that is not the company to deal with. The buyer does not need added stress; he/she needs products as they are required. When a seller is given the lion's share of purchases, he/she can more readily fill the orders. A purchaser must have certain tactics. Those tactics include such items as vulnerability management, supply positioning, and suppliers' preferences. He/she must be able to work with others. Communication is vital for the purchaser. Teamwork is a necessary element of purchasing. Constant reevaluation is necessary (Steele & Court, 1996). According to Malley (1998), the Internet is a viable tool for purchasing departments. Barbara Chilson is the vice president and general manager of Internet commerce for her company, which is W. W. Grainger. In Chilson's opinion, â€Å"the advent of purchasing supplies electronically, increasingly referred to as paperless purchasing, can be attributed to a variety of factors and emerging technology† (Malley, 1998). Purchasing is vital to Mansell Ltd. The purchasing department must streamline and make changes in order to make Mansell Ltd. be as profitable as possible. Having too many suppliers results in chaos. This can be resolved by reducing the number of suppliers. Technology is another important consideration. Purchasing of some items can be done online, which saves time and money.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Chinese Culture: A Chinese-American Family Reunion

My wife is originally from the southern part of China, so her family is a mixture of descendants of China and the Americans who have married into the family. A few years ago her family had a reunion to gather together and visit with one another, and I was invited to attend. While I had experienced some of the Chinese culture prior to the event, the reunion was the first time that I really got to observe the traditional culture in real life. The event was a very elegant occasion, more like a banquet than the typical American family reunion. There was tons of food, most of which was Chinese, and even Chinese decorations. There were red lanterns strung around the room, all lit as the evening approached. They were very beautiful, but as it turns out they are not used for beauty. The lanterns symbolize good luck and hope. They are used every year in China at the Lantern Festival, when they line the streets to symbolize this same meaning. The color red also has significance in the Chinese culture. It is believed to be the color of luck. Some of the older family members spoke the Chinese language, which was interesting to witness, but most everyone spoke English. I am an American with family roots in Germany, so the two cultures are vastly different. The biggest difference I noticed was how much more reserved the Chinese people seemed to typical American families. Even the children, who were laughing and playing, seemed to be more respectful than American children. This aspect of the culture impacted me the most. I realized how different people are from different parts of the world, and especially those who live in America, but have been raised with traditional Chinese values. It amazes me how different cultures can vary so greatly. I enjoyed this learning experience with my wife’s family and I look forward to many more Chinese events in the future. References: Chinatown Connection, â€Å"Lantern Festival.† Chinatown Connection. n.d.. Chinatown Connection. 5 May 2008 . Lee, Danile. â€Å"Chinese People Lifestyle.† Chinatown Connection. n.d.. Chinatown Connection. 5 May 2008 .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Polygamy

Dolphyne, Florence Abena. The Emancipation of Women. Accra: Ghana Universities Press, 1991. Pg.14 â€Å"A man who had been married for about two years decided to take on a second wife. His wife thought there was no need for that since she felt they were getting on perfectly happily†¦the man argued that she alone could not provide hum all the things he needed at the time he needed them, but the woman insisted there was no basis for that claim.† To prove his point, the man asked for traditional Asante corn dough to be prepared in one day. The woman took on the challenge. She worked hard all day preparing the necessary ingredients and when the day was done she was not. She gave up and apologized to her husband for being so stubborn and told him she felt it was a good idea for him to marry a second wife. Even though this is just a folktale and its credibility is questionable, it still gives the idea of how people began to accept polygamy. Young girls of this tribe here this story over and over. When they become of age to marry, they feel there is absolutely n othing worn! g with being one of many wives and they accept it as part of everyday life. Pg17 â€Å"Some educated women†¦of the Islamic faith†¦will tell you that they would not mind being the second, third, or fourth wife†. The reason for this is that they feel they will have time to concentrate on their education or career whenever it is not their turn to â€Å"†¦keep house for the husband.† I always wondered how the women of polygamous marriages felt about being one of four wives. This statement doesn’t seem likely. I can’t think of any woman that would not mind sharing her husband with co-wives. Pg18 Those who support polygamy have argued, â€Å"†¦that it is justified on account of the ratio of women to men in their countries† This seems like people who practice polygamy are just trying to justify it in any way. Embry, Jessie L. Mormon Polygamous Families. Salt... Free Essays on Polygamy Free Essays on Polygamy Dolphyne, Florence Abena. The Emancipation of Women. Accra: Ghana Universities Press, 1991. Pg.14 â€Å"A man who had been married for about two years decided to take on a second wife. His wife thought there was no need for that since she felt they were getting on perfectly happily†¦the man argued that she alone could not provide hum all the things he needed at the time he needed them, but the woman insisted there was no basis for that claim.† To prove his point, the man asked for traditional Asante corn dough to be prepared in one day. The woman took on the challenge. She worked hard all day preparing the necessary ingredients and when the day was done she was not. She gave up and apologized to her husband for being so stubborn and told him she felt it was a good idea for him to marry a second wife. Even though this is just a folktale and its credibility is questionable, it still gives the idea of how people began to accept polygamy. Young girls of this tribe here this story over and over. When they become of age to marry, they feel there is absolutely n othing worn! g with being one of many wives and they accept it as part of everyday life. Pg17 â€Å"Some educated women†¦of the Islamic faith†¦will tell you that they would not mind being the second, third, or fourth wife†. The reason for this is that they feel they will have time to concentrate on their education or career whenever it is not their turn to â€Å"†¦keep house for the husband.† I always wondered how the women of polygamous marriages felt about being one of four wives. This statement doesn’t seem likely. I can’t think of any woman that would not mind sharing her husband with co-wives. Pg18 Those who support polygamy have argued, â€Å"†¦that it is justified on account of the ratio of women to men in their countries† This seems like people who practice polygamy are just trying to justify it in any way. Embry, Jessie L. Mormon Polygamous Families. Salt...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Celebrate Shakespeares Birthday

How to Celebrate Shakespeares Birthday Shakespeare was born and died on April 23 and over 400 years on, we are still celebrating his birthday. Joining up with a Bard birthday bash is the best way to celebrate, but if you’re unable to attend an event, throw your own party! Here, a few creative ways to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday. 1. Visit Stratford-upon-Avon If you live in the UK or are visiting the area in the month of April, then there is no better place in the world to celebrate William Shakespeares birthday than his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon. On the weekend of his birthday, this little market town in Warwickshire (UK) pulls out all the stops. Hundreds of people travel to the town and line the streets to watch the town dignitaries, community groups, and RSC celebrities mark the Bards birth by starting the parade in Henley Street where the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust can be found. They then snake their way through the streets of the town to Holy Trinity Church, the Bards final resting place. The town then spends the weekend (and most of the week) entertaining its visitors with street performances, RSC workshops, world-class theater and free community theater.   2. Perform a Scene If you cant make it to Stratford-upon-Avon or one of the other Shakespeare birthday events happening around the world, then why not throw your own party? Dust off that old Shakespeare tome and act out your favorite scene. Couples can try the famous balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, or the entire family can attempt the tragic ending from Hamlet. Remember: Shakespeare didn’t write his plays to be read they were to be performed! So, get into the spirit and start acting. 3. Read a Sonnet Shakespeare’s sonnets are some of English literature’s most beautiful poetry. It’s a delight to read aloud. Ask everyone at the celebration to find a sonnet that they like and read it to the group. If you’re not sure how to do justice to Shakespeares works by reading aloud, we have some advice to make your performance sparkle. 4. Visit the Globe This might be difficult if you don’t live in London or plan to be there. But it is possible to build your own Globe Theater  and keep the family entertained all afternoon print out all the parts you need and reconstruct Shakespeares wooden O. You can also take a virtual  photo tour of the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London. 5. Watch a Branagh Film Kenneth Branagh has made some of cinema’s best Shakespeare film adaptations. Much Ado About Nothing is arguably his most upbeat, celebratory film the perfect flick to round out the Bard’s birthday bash.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tort coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tort coursework - Essay Example Bloke can pursue damages against Ruff Ltd., Right. Ltd and Shoddy Plc under the Compensation Act 2006 since it permits joint liability when asbestos exposure can be attributed to two or more defendants.1 The test for determining whether or not a duty of care exist was first established by the landmark case of Donoghue v Stevenson. In this case Lord Atkin introduced the neighbour principle which is the accepted test used for ascertaining whether or not a duty of care is owed and to whom. According to this principle a duty of care exists in the sense that an individual is required to take all necessary precautions to prevent injury to one’s neighbour. ‘Who then in law is my neighbour? The answer seems to be persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called to question’.2 Over the years the neighbour principle has become the cornerstone for all cases involving tortuous claims. In the leading case of Caparo Industries v Dickman the neighbour principle was elaborated on. It was held that in order to ascertain whether of not a duty of care existed there must be proximity of relationship between the parties. First and foremost, however, the resulting harm must have been foreseeable. Moreover, the imposition of a duty of care in the circumstances must be fair, just and equitable.3 In a later case it was held that the criteria set forth in Caparo Industries v Dickman was applicable and relevant in all subsequent cases.4 As to whether or not it is fair or just to impose a duty of care Lord Diplock addressed the issue in Dorset Yacht Co. Ltd v Home Office. He simply said that ‘the choice is exercised by making a policy decision whether or not a duty of care ought to exist.’5 In this case a successful claim was made against the Home Office in respect of Prison Officers when juvenile delinquents